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2020-06-17 15:44作者:admin 来源:网络



Although my country has already fired blue and white porcelain as early as the Tang Dynasty, mature blue and white porcelain was born in the Yuan Dynasty. The Yuan Dynasty was an important period of succession. It was less than a hundred years before and after the Yuan Dynasty. As a dynasty, although it was short, the Yuan blue and white flower was a dazzling pearl in my country's porcelain. In the history of my country, Yuan blue and white porcelain was used as a spreader of traditional Chinese culture and sold to the Middle East overseas. In the Yuan Dynasty porcelain market, large-scale blue and white porcelain was the most valuable. Porcelain in the past dynasties mostly used small pieces as the essence, with the exception of the blue and white porcelain in the Yuan Dynasty. Once there is a stable and tall, beautiful and elegant decoration, a solemn and simple style, and a complete and unique style of blue and white flowers on the market, it must be an extremely sought-after lot.



Begonia flowers fossil characteristics, Begonia flowers are ancient species of echinoderms, there are more than 620 kinds of Begonia flowers. It is often divided into two categories: stalk begonia flowers and sessile begonia flowers. The stilt begonia flower is fixed to the bottom of the deep sea with a long stem, where there is no wind and waves, and no strong anchors are needed. There is a torus on the handle that contains all its internal organs. Begonia's mouth and anus are open upwards, which is different from other echinoderms. Its thin wrist protrudes from the torus. The wrist is composed of branches and can move, and there are smaller branches on the side, like feathers. The wrist meets the current like a windmill, catching small animals in the sea water for food. There is no long stalk, but there are several small roots or wrists. The mouth and digestive tube are also located in the center of the torus-like structure. They can float and be fixed on the seabed. When floating, the wrist is tightened, and when stopped, it is fixed on the algae or the reef on the seabed. The number of wrists varies according to the type of crinoid. There are only a few of them and more than 200. The small branches on both sides of each wrist are shaped like feathers. Each wrist has a groove with a body, and branches branch to the branchlets on both sides. On both sides of the groove are tentacle-like tubes and feet, and mucus is secreted. The crinoid is a typical filter-feeder, raising his wrist high during predation, and plankton or other suspended organic matter is captured by the tube and foot and sent to the step belt ditch, and then wrapped in mucus and sent to the entrance. The Paleozoic lily, like its close relative Hailei, is very easy to form beautiful fossils, and the calyx of the Hailei is very similar to the flower bud, which is also composed of regularly arranged bone plates. As sea lilies participated in the competition and competed for scarce living resources in shallow water areas, at the end of the Paleozoic, Hailei went extinct. Today, ancient sea buds and lily fossils are treasures in the eyes of modern amateur fossil collectors.

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