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2020-06-06 18:21作者:admin 来源:网络



Guo Yingui, a contemporary famous calligrapher and Wenxi man in Shanxi Province, is a descendant of Guo Pu, a litterateur and exegetist in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Now he lives in Beijing. Since childhood, he has been practicing calligraphy and family training for more than 60 years, especially good at Xiaokai and running grass. He is now a senior member of the Chinese Calligrapher Association, vice chairman and Secretary General of the world Chinese Calligrapher Association, vice chairman of the world Prajna Calligrapher Association, specially invited Professor of Chinese Studies at Singapore dragon Education Institute, vice chairman of the Chinese

Culture Research Association and vice chairman of the Chinese Yuchi Gong Research Association. His calligraphy works are handsome and mellow, elegant and elegant, ancient and skillful, and easy to grasp, especially the meticulous and small regular script, which is more popular in the calligraphy collection field. His calligraphy works were presented to foreign friends as a state gift when the state leaders visited, and collected by celebrities from all walks of life, such as Zhang Hai, chairman of China Calligraphy Association, Shao Bingren, vice chairman of World Chinese Calligrapher Association, Liu Bingsen, and enterprises and institutions. The recommended price of his works is 25000-30000 yuan per square foot.


Calligraphy has always been regarded as the core of Chinese traditional culture and the unique art treasure of Chinese culture. "A character is like a person, and a character is valued by a person. Therefore, a character should be a person first." This is a classic ancient motto left by the ancients. It's difficult for a person without characteristics and independent thinking to create a good work. Since he was a young man, he has been associated with calligraphy. In the following decades, he has been studying and learning from all the advantages of calligraphy and gradually integrated into his own style. In the eyes of outsiders, Guo Yingui, 78, has made great achievements, but he still keeps learning and studying hard.


With the in-depth understanding of Buddhist culture in recent years, Guo Yingui gradually combined his calligraphy with Buddhist Zen, recorded the Scriptures, read and recite them by stealth, studied Buddhism by calligraphy, studied Buddhism by Buddhism, permeated his heart with Zen, and got exquisite and profound implication echo with calligraphy as the carrier.Guo Yingui's calligraphy shows a sense of ethereal spirit, as he said, "using the spirit of calligraphy to understand the incredible power of Buddhism". The tacit agreement between calligraphy and Zen has formed a unique charm of Zen calligraphy, which is also the unique feature of Guo Yingui's calligraphy.



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